
WPHoster : WordPress Hosting (Tier 3)


Quick Overview

Unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space, unlimited email accounts, SSL & global CDN and malware protection.

Caching technology speeds up page loading automatically and significantly.

eCommerce optimized : Hosting is optimized for WooCommerce best practices and configurations.

Best for : Business Owners, Marketing Agencies, Freelancers and Developers.

WPHoster WordPress Hosting

Are you ready to take your WordPress website to the next level?

Look no further!

WordPress Hosting offers blazing-fast, reliable, and secure hosting specifically optimized for WordPress websites.

Looking for a reliable and efficient hosting solution for your WordPress website?

With lightning-fast servers, robust security features, and expert support, your WordPress site will thrive with us. 

Managed WordPress Hosting

  • Blazing Fast Speeds: Say goodbye to slow-loading websites. Our optimized servers ensure that your WordPress site loads in the blink of an eye, keeping your visitors engaged.
  • Enhanced Security: You can relax knowing that your website is safe thanks to cutting-edge security measures. We employ firewalls, malware scans, and regular security audits to keep your data safe.
  • Expert Support: Our team of WordPress experts is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or issues you may encounter. Whether it’s troubleshooting or optimization tips, we’ve got you covered.
  • Easy WordPress Installation: Setting up your WordPress site has never been easier. With our one-click WordPress installer, you can get your website up and running in minutes, no technical expertise is required.
  • Scalability: Whether you’re just starting out or experiencing rapid growth, our hosting plans are designed to scale with your needs. Upgrade or downgrade your plan seamlessly as your traffic fluctuates.

Dashboard Overview Images


WordPress & CDN

Web Tools & Domain Names

Web Files & Email

Security Logs & Stats

Key Features of WordPress Hosting

WordPress Tools

  • WordPress staging : Create a replica of your site with a single click and carry out testing/adding new content or code. Once you’re happy with the results, deploy those changes over to the live site seamlessly.
  • WordPress Manager : Manage all your WordPress themes, plugins and users from one central dashboard. Activate, update and disable in bulk.
  • Stack Cache Optimization: Our proprietary caching technology speeds up page loading automatically and significantly for all your users. It works straight out of the box, or you can manage your settings from the Stack Cache plugin.
  • Auto core updates : Your WordPress website will be upgraded to the latest version of WordPress and any security patches will be applied automatically.
  • WP-CLI and dev tools : WP-CLI, SSH access, SFTP/FTP, PHP version control, phpMyAdmin, PHP configuration and scheduled scripts.
  • WordPress checksum report : We check if your core files match what exists in the official WordPress core repository. If there’s something fishy about the code, we’ll let you know.


  • Multi-cloud platform : The easiest way to build and deploy all your websites and apps across multi-platform cloud hosting. Email, SSL, backups, domains and CDN are all baked-in.
  • Free and unlimited CDN : This isn’t a slimmed-down version of Cloudflare. It’s a fully featured, global and unlimited CDN to deliver faster-loading websites, wherever your users are.
  • Website Acceleration Suite : Optimize your images and code to improve site speed without any additional WordPress plugins. Includes image resizing, compression, code minification, lazy loading and much more.
  • Edge caching : We automatically cache static content at our edge, ensuring rapid delivery of images, JavaScript and CSS files to all your visitors around the world.
  • Optimized PHP : Customize PHP-FPM and OPcache to ensure that your website always gets the resources it needs. We support PHP 5.6 through the latest versions of PHP 8.0 so you can test compatibility and upgrade safely.
  • Unlimited websites : We don’t place any artificial limits on how many sites you can launch. Deploy as many sites and apps as your server specifications will allow. Plus, if you need more room to grow, upgrade any time easily.


  • 1 Tbps+ DDoS protection : We protect your site from distributed denial-of-service attacks. Bad traffic is routed away from your site, while genuine users carry on as normal.
  • SSL certificates : Boost customer confidence by activating a free SSL certificate on every website, ensuring all data sent to and from our servers is encrypted.
  • PCI compliant : Our servers are safe and secure. They’re compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
  • Web application firewall : The Web application firewall (WAF) protects your data and software by blocking suspicious activity.
  • Automatic malware scans : We scan your sites daily for malware and provide a report on any issues. Once you’ve fixed those issues, you can re-scan the site using our malware scan tool.
  • Login Security : Two-factor authentication, FTP security lock, brute force login protection with StackProtect and IP address/country blocking all help prevent unauthorized access to your control panels and files.

WordPress Hosting comes with…

  • Managed Hosting Features
  • Fully Managed Cloud Hosting
  • Control Panel
  • Unlimited FTP/SFTP Accounts
  • Online File Manager
  • SSH Access w/ Google 2FA
  • Directory Indexing
  • One Click Google Workspace Setup
  • Access/Error/Bandwidth Logs
  • Custom Errors
  • Sitemap Generator
  • Migrate using FTP/SFTP
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • Data Center and Platform
  • 100% Green Hosting
  • Premium SSD Webspace
  • Choice of Cloud, AWS & Google Cloud
  • 60+ Global Data Centers
  • Google-Based DNS Servers
  • 100 Gbit/s Network with Multiple Internet Connections
  • Redundant Power Supplies, UPS and Generators
  • 24 × 7 × 365 Onsite Technicians
  • Security Features
  • Two-Factor Authentication(2FA)
  • 1 Tbps+ DDoS Protection
  • Website Password Manager
  • Biometric Security, CCTV and Firewalls
  • FTP Security Lock
  • Block Visitors by IP or Country
  • File Permissions Checker
  • Hotlink Protection
  • Brute Force Login Protection
  • WordPress Enhanced Features
  • StackCache® Optimization
  • Auto Core Updates
  • WordPress Staging
  • WordPress Cloning
  • WordPress Manager
  • WordPress Checksum Report
  • WP-CLI
  • Email Features
  • Unlimited Mailboxes (POP3 & IMAP)
  • Catch-all Address Support
  • Email Forwarders
  • Autoresponders
  • Webmail
  • Antivirus and Antispam Protection
  • Mailbox Autodiscover Support
  • DKIM Email Authentication
  • Email Sub-addressing
  • Scripts and Databases
  • PHP Version Switcher: 5.3 to the Latest Version
  • Popular Modules (PDO, SOAP, MBString, Mcrypt, XML)
  • PHP Ioncube Loader
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Git Version Control
  • ElasticSearch
  • Redis Cache
  • PHP OPCache
  • No Cap on PHP Workers
  • Cron Job Manager
  • Domain Features
  • DDoS-Protected DNS
  • Full DNS Management
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • Unlimited Alias Domains

Use Cases:

  • WordPress for Agencies : Agency Hosting Your Clients Will Fall in Love with. Build, manage, and launch client sites with ease; this makes managing hundreds of sites as easy as managing one.
  • WooCommerce :WooCommerce Hosting to boost your revenue, SEO and user experience with lightning-fast load times and ultra-secure e-commerce hosting. Plus, our hosting is PCI compliant.
  • Publishers : Don’t lose readers or future fans to downtime, with our always-on hosting. Plus, our viral-proof platform is ready for any traffic spikes.
  • Small Businesses : High-performance WordPress business hosting you can rely on to deliver every day. That means more time to focus on your business.
  • Membership Sites : Grow your community without worrying about uptime. Features like Redis provide blazing-fast load times, every time.
  • Education and LMS : From online courses to personal coaching, share your knowledge with fast and flexible learning management system hosting.

Deal Terms:

  • Length of access: Lifetime Access
  • Redeem your code within 60 days of purchase
  • 30-Days Money-Back Guarantee (For Non-Prime Members and Regular users)
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee (For DealMirror Prime Members Only)

Original price was: $1,999.00.Current price is: $999.00.

What you get in this deal

    • Unlimited Websites
    • Unlimited SSD Storage
    • Unlimited Bandwidth​
    • Unlimited Mailboxes

WPHoster LTD

Tier 1

$99 LTD


WPHoster LTD

Tier 2

$799 LTD


WPHoster LTD

Tier 3

$2499 LTD


Frequently Asked Questions

Questions:- Does WPHoster provide support?

–Yes, WPHoster LTD Offers Customer support via email

Questions:- Are emails included in WP Hoster?

-Yes, you will get unlimited emails in all WP Hoster tiers.

Questions:- What about speed in WP Hoster?

-We have an edge cache and optimization feature for increasing speed in WP Hoster.

Questions:- What about security features like malware scans, etc.?

-We provide a daily malware scan for all websites. 

Questions:- Can I access the WordPress admin panel without logging in to our website?

-Yes, you can access WP admin directly via the control panel

Questions:- Can I change themes and plugins via the control panel?

-Yes, you can change both themes and plugins via the control panel.

Questions:- Can I get an invoice for my subscription under my company name?

-Yes, you can. Just send us an email at and we will take care of this.


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