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Humanagement : A Employee Management Tool Tier 2

Humanagement : Ultimate Employee Management Tool

Humanagement Lifetime Deal

There are some big challenges that all small and big entrepreneurs face regarding managing their businesses and employees.

These challenges at times can really burden and frustrate you.

Your business and the employees that help run it are both valuable assets that you possess.

Managing both of these well can exponentially increase the growth of your business as well as keep the “happiness quotient” of the employees at its peak.

But how do you achieve this?

Well, Humanagement Lifetime Deal has the capability to achieve this for you in no time.

The need of the hour for any entrepreneur is to be able to easily manage your company with just one software.


Humanagement stands for this and has many built-in integrations so that data comes to one hub.

It is a simple and powerful software platform to manage your business and employees.


Humanagement Introduction Video



Dashboard Overview

Following the not-so-new method of using excel sheets and Google docs for the purpose can be lame, frustrating and yet not very productive as the desired results may not be achieved in the time frame and the manner an entrepreneur expects or desires.

This very stable software will assist you in keeping all your business and employee stats, making policies, assigning tasks to employees, building business metrics, conducting staff training and performing many such activities at the tap of your finger.

Features Overview

A Glance at Features that you can expect that will help you in the efficient management of your employees and business are:


HR Data

  • HR data will no longer be a burden, it will be simple and fast to access
  • W4 and ethics report will be available at a click
  • Employee data will always be organized
  • You will always know what to keep track of, so when it’s needed it’s there

Employee Requests

  • Employee requests can get missed owing to your busy schedule
  • Wisemen enables employee requests in nice organized ways
  • Requests received as notifications with supporting stats to make decisions
  • Approvals can be given instantly
  • Makes your employees feel recognized and keeps them motivated

 Business Metrics

  • Managing business data in Excel and Google docs is cumbersome and manual.
  • Wisemen provides you with one intuitive place to see all business stats.
  • Provides you with advanced calculation features
  • Business metrics are placed before you in the most presentable and informative manner

Employee Training

  • You train employees and they become important assets to you
  • Easily train your employees using this powerful software
  • Make policies for employees to read
  • Get feedback on policies to read and training undertaken by employees
  • When existing employees leave you to have all the requisites readily available to train new employees

 Approvals on Spending

  • Employees keep waiting for approvals and spending is put on hold
  • This may result in hampering business targets and piling up work
  • Wisemen provides a feature of organized purchase requests
  • Your income is presented to you in a decision-making format
  • Money can be disbursed by employees on receipt of your approval

Vendor Testimonial


“Our greatest asset is the customer! Treat each customer as if they are the only one for us!”


Check Out Some Golden Words From Our Customer

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Deal Terms

  • Length of access: Lifetime.
  • Redemption deadline: 60 days from purchase
  • 60-days money-back guarantee.

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $89.00.

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