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Advanced Ads WordPress Plugin

Advanced Ads WordPress Plugin

Manage and optimize your ads as easy as creating posts. Including support for AdSense, ad injection, ad planning, ad widget, and ad rotation.

Advanced Ads is a simple ad manager made by a publisher for publishers. Based on my experience delivering millions of ads per month I built this advertising plugin as a powerful, but light weight solution to not only manage and insert banners in WordPress, but to test and optimize them as well.

Full Feature List.

create and manage ads

  • create a banner is as easy as creating a post
  • group ads to create ad rotations
  • create drafts of advertisements only visible to logged in users
  • set a date for when to publish the ad
  • make internal notes about each ad
  • import / export ads and settings
  • Wizard to quickly create and place simple ads

ad types

choose between different ad types that enable you to:

  • insert code for ad and affiliate networks (e.g., AdSense, Chitika, Amazon, BuySellAds, DoubleClick)
  • dedicated support for Google AdSense banners
  • display images and image banners
  • use shortcodes within ads (to also deliver advertisements from other ad plugins like AdRotate or Simple Ads Manager)
  • create content rich ads with the tinymc editor
  • use flash file advertisements including a fallback – included in Pro
  • ad group to allow ads from the same group to share conditions and settings

display ads

  • auto inject banner (see ad injection below)
  • display advertising in template files (with functions)
  • display advertising in post content (with shortcodes)
  • ad widget for sidebars and widget areas
  • display ad groups based on customizable ad weight
  • use placements in your theme to insert ads and ad groups in template files without coding
  • disable all ads on individual single pages
  • set start time and expiry date for advertising
  • display multiple ads from a banner group (ad blocks)
  • define the order of ads from an ad group and allow default ads
  • display a label, e.g. “Advertisements” above each ad
  • compatible with site builders: SiteOrigin

display conditions

show ads based on conditions like

  • individual posts, pages and other post type
  • post type
  • posts by category, tags, taxonomies
  • author
  • archive pages by category, tags, taxonomies
  • special page types like 404, attachment and front page
  • hide ads on secondary queries (e.g. posts in sidebars)
  • display or hide banners within the post feed

global conditions

  • disable all ads in the frontend (e.g. when your ad network breaks down)
  • disable all ads on 404 pages (e.g. AdSense doesn’t allow that)
  • disable all ads on non-singular pages
  • disable all ads in secondary queries
  • disable all ads in the feed
  • hide ads from bots and web crawlers

visitor conditions

display ads by conditions based on the visitor. List of all visitor conditions

  • display or hide a banner for mobile visitors
  • display or hide a banner for logged in visitors
  • hide advertising from logged in users based on their role
  • advanced visitor conditions: previous visited url (referrer), user capability, browser language, browser and device, url parameters included in Pro
  • display ads by geo location with the Geo Targeting add-on
  • display ads by browser width with the Responsive add-on

ad injection | placements

Placements to insert ads in pre-defined positions in your theme and content. List of all placements

  • ads after any given paragraph or headline in the post content
  • ads at the top of the post content
  • ads at the bottom of the post content
  • ads before closing </head> tag
  • ads page footer
  • test placements against each other with Pro
  • many more ad inserters with add-ons

ad networks

The Advanced Ads ad manager is compatible with all ad networks and banners from affiliate programs like Google AdSense, Chitika, Clickbank, Amazon, and also Google DoubleClick (DFP). You can also use it to insert additional ad network tags into header or footer of your site without additional coding.

Requires: WP 4.2, PHP 5.3 or higher
Compatible up to: 4.5.3
Last Updated: 6 days ago
Active Installs: 20,000+

Author : Thomas Maier

Source :

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Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $0.00.

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